We have been hearing a lot of sales figures that PC sales are slowing drastically. Recent sales figures indicate that tablet sales already exceeded PC sales.
Users, nowadays, prefers mobility and ease of use over performance. Tablets can do variety of tasks such as playing media, browsing the Internet, using the social networks as well as the PCs, if not better.
On the verge of the mobile revolution, is it possible for PCs to survive?
Although the sales figures are not that great, PCs are still getting better. Performance of PCs are being improved gradually to satisfy the game addicts as well as designers, video editors, 3D rendering jobs etc. Besides the better performance, PCs are getting smaller and getting additional features such as touch screens.
Other than using it for business purposes, PCs can convert itself to be the center of household entertainment. All PCs offer a TV and audio system connection. They can be the center for TV-on-demand systems, gaming, music etc. PCs can also offer tablet and phone integration to serve for the storage needs.
Overall, tablets and mobile devices are good for consuming media however PCs are better in creating content. I think they will be still around for the time being.