Saturday, March 08, 2014

Think Global, Act Social

Technology is usually to blame for environmental problems and for promoting social detachment, being in the heart of the technology, is it possible for IT operations to be more social, is it possible for IT departments to contribute to social and environmental projects?

Although, IT departments have always been the leader for productivity, we think, we still could find room to improve our services and help contributing to social initiatives without compromising the service quality. Other than participating to the global projects and programs, we think by acting smart and making minor adjustments we can consume less, help reducing our carbon footprint locally and contribute to the society more.

IT departments contributes substantially in many green initiatives within corporations, such as paper reduction campaigns, energy conversation projects, promoting communication projects to reduce business travels and involving heavily in recycle & reuse projects.

Not only we “think green” for such activities, but also as IT teams, we take parts on socially responsible activities. We have been getting in touch with vocational schools in the vicinity to make a difference for the students in these schools. We provide a workplace experience for the students in such vocational schools. For students who are studying in computer science, programming and electronics, it is at upmost importance to find a workplace to put their learning at use. Not only, we provide a workplace experience for these students but also we involve them in IT projects to increase their take from this experience.

Furthermore, IT departments usually provide many training opportunities. Corporations consist of both well-educated, experienced staff and junior and not well equipped staff. One of IT departments' aim to bring everyone at an average level of understanding the technology and increase everyone's level of computer literacy. We provide many training opportunities to those that are not very well equipped with all the skills and qualification for their career targets. Without the required computer skills, many people cannot reach their career targets. We believe by helping them the break this barrier, IT departments play an important role in people's development and reaching their career goals.

Every year, number of personal computer systems retired or no longer needed by IT departments. While these are not the most powerful computers, they are still very useful for teaching basic computer skills. We refurbish these computers, remove all software licenses from them and reinstall free software licenses. After completing the installation and testing, we donate the equipment free of charge to eligible schools that are truly in need. This donation program has helped bring access to computer technology to many students. We are proud of these efforts that help create and foster foundations for enhanced learning. We will continue to donate such equipment to the schools and other educational nonprofit organizations in need.

We believe that environmental and social problems will not go away overnight by itself, all of us have to make collective efforts, we have to think smart to find more ways to be sustainable and increase our involvement in social initiatives.

We always have to keep in mind that the small details make the difference.