Friday, August 22, 2014

Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a proactive planning process to pinpoint all the critical functions of a corporation, identify the priorities and define likely situations that would present an obstacle to these functions. After identifying all these, standard procedures are set up formally to raise the awareness and proactively prevent the damages that would create.

Most corporations make the plans ahead of the time to ensure all critical operations will continue uninterrupted during and after an emergency situation and in case of sudden interruptions reestablishing these critical operations is formalized. An effective plan not only make sure the critical down time is shorter but also help increasing the safety, improving the productivity, helping the employee moral, improving the corporate image in customers' and other parties' eyes and complying the contractual or regulatory policies.

BCP should be designed to be a clear and efficient guideline to limit the magnitude of any adverse affects, to minimize the service interruptions, to standardize the communication, to meet the legal and regulatory requirements and to improve health and safety of all staff.